
Downloading and Installing wdtools

Please note that wdtools is only supported and tested for Python 3.7 and 3.8. The installation will load specific versions of libararies like numpy and tensorflow to ensure that all the libraries play well together. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you install and use wdtools in its own virtual environment using a manager like conda. If you use conda, make sure to proceed with installation only once you’ve activated the conda environment you want to use wdtools within.

The simplest way to install wdtools is to clone the GitHub repository into any directory of your choice:

cd ~/YourDirectoryPath/
git clone

You can replace the first line with any directory of your choice.

Next, navigate to this directory and run python install. This should install the required dependencies and add wdtools to your Python path. All the required dependencies are also listed in the requirements.txt file in the repository.

Once installed, you can add the following line to your Python projects to import wdtools into your workspace:

import wdtools

If you have any trouble with installation don’t hesitate to raise a new issue.